Join Rabbi Dweck for a new term of lectures at LSJS. Monday, 25th February – Making Shabbat Meaningful To book your ticket, click here.
Bringing in Shabbat – Adding From the Weekday to the Holy Day
Opening Closed Packages/ Bottles on Shabbat With Rabbi Joseph Dweck Source Sheet here.
Source sheet here.
Book now for a delicious Friday Night Dinner at Bevis Marks in celebration of our Anniversary with Rabbi Shalom Morris Service at 7:30pm followed by Kiddush and Dinner
Join Senior Rabbi Dweck for an afternoon class at Lauderdale Road Synagogue Shabbat 25th June – Why is Lashon Hara so Serious an Offence?
Join Senior Rabbi Dweck for an afternoon class at Lauderdale Road Synagogue Shabbat 11th June – Why Do Our Kings Come from Sodom and Gemora? 7:30pm – 1 hour before
The Shabbat Shiur Programme with R’ Dweck at Lauderdale Road features a shortened Shabbat morning service followed by a special shiur and a deluxe Kiddush.
This monthly series with Rabbi Shalom Morris covers the practical aspects of Jewish law concerning a range of topics. Monday 6th June – Shabbat Laws Reception 6:15pm Lecture 6:30pm
Misconceptions – Class 10b – Shabbat: Why Sleep and Oneg on Shabbat
in Rabbis' Blog,Senior Rabbi Dweck Blog