Sale of Ḥameṣ

Mekhirat Ḥameṣ – The Sale of Leaven

During Pesaḥ, one may neither eat nor have in one’s possession, nor benefit from any food or drink which comes under the category of ḥameṣ. This includes anything made from, or mixed with, wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt, or flour which has been made from them.

A person who has ḥameṣ left over and who does not wish to (or cannot) dispose of it before Pesaḥ should ensure that its ownership is transferred to a non-Jew according to a procedure laid down in Jewish Law. All ḥameṣ to be sold is locked away and the Sephardi Beth Din is authorised to arrange the sale.

It is preferable that the arrangement for the sale of ḥameṣ be made personally with the Rabbi, but if this is not possible, you can  complete the online form here.

Please ensure to complete the form by 3pm on Sunday 21st April 2024.

Note that this is free service to the community, however if you would like to make a donation to support the costs of running this, please click here and select ‘Sale of Hametz’ from the donation options.