The S&P Sephardi Community – Press Release
in News
As of 7 September 2015 The Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation is rebranding in order to have a name, mission and future in line with Rabbi Dweck’s vision as developed with the Board and in consultation with the membership/yehidim. The new name, ‘The S&P Sephardi Community’, reflects the entirety of the S&P community which includes, not only the Spanish and Portuguese Jews who established the community, but also the many oriental Jews who are now part of the S&P” says Alison Rosen, Executive Director. She further commented “The new brand is modern and contemporary and has been enthusiastically embraced by existing and new members alike, as demonstrated by the new growth in membership that Rabbi Dweck has inspired since arriving in the UK.
The concept behind it is to demonstrate the rich tradition and philosophy of Sephardi Judaism and how it is relevant for the modern world. This is the first major change in image in 350 years and is a major step forward for the community.” The new website will launch next week at The new brand underpins an exciting time at the S&P Sephardi Community which has recently employed new rabbis at both Bevis Marks and Wembley and a new Head of Beth Din, Dayan Yaron Navon.
The rebranded organisation has set a simple and effective mission to underpin its growth and aims To provide a welcoming, enriching and educational Sephardi Jewish experience. The Trustees (Elders and Mahamad) will also soon be launching a fundraising campaign which will aim to raise the significant funds needed to deliver their ambitious plans for the future.
The community are delighted with their partnership with Genium who have helped put together the new brand.
The Spanish and Portuguese Jews Congregation is the oldest Jewish congregation in the United Kingdom, and was established following the resettlement of the Jews in 1656. By the middle of the 18th Century, the community had already established the beginnings of what wider society now knows as a Welfare State, with an old age home, an elementary school, a burial society and a hospital. The Spanish and Portuguese Jews’ Congregation (now the S&P Sephardi Community) personifies the attitude of British Jews: participating in the life of their country whilst also remaining true to their heritage.