The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions
The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions
The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions
The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions
The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions
The sages of Spain and their disciples revolutionised Judaism. There is rarely a shiur or sermon today that does not probe their words. This series looks at these Sephardic sages and their contributions