
Rabbi Dweck’s Kabbalat Shabbat

Join Rabbi Dweck for Mincha, Hashkabot, Me She'berachs and Kabbalat Shabbat

Daily Shahrit

Join Rabbi Dweck for daily Shahrit services starting at 8am sharp. Special Kaddish to be recited by mourners, you can request special memorial prayers, refuah shelema, and most important is to join together for daily prayers and see everyone! Please feel free to join at any time of the service! Join Zoom Meeting

Rabbi Dweck in conversation with Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence

Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence is Senior Rabbi at Finchley United Synagogue (Kinloss). He is also Honorary Principal of Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School. Among his many roles, he served as Chief Minister of the Great Synagogue, in Sydney Australia. Rabbi Lawrence has an MA in Jurisprudence from Oxford University, and received semikha in Jerusalem attending Yeshivat […]

Tanach shiur with Dayan Livnat: prophet Isaiah unravelled

In this series of shiurim, we will study the spiritual and political background to the appearance of Yeshayahu, and learn of the other prophets that operated parallel to Yeshayahu. Following this introduction, we will study the first few chapters of the book of Yeshayahu, which address one of the most fascinating junctions in Jewish history. […]

Daily Shahrit

Join Rabbi Dweck for daily Shahrit services starting at 8am sharp. Special Kaddish to be recited by mourners, you can request special memorial prayers, refuah shelema, and most important is to join together for daily prayers and see everyone! Please feel free to join at any time of the service! Join Zoom Meeting

Rabbi Morris in conversation with Adam Sutcliffe

Rabbi Morris in conversation with Adam Sutcliffe from Kings College London, speaking about his book: What Are Jews For? History, Peoplehood and Purpose. A wide-ranging look at the history of Western thinking since the seventeenth century on the purpose of the Jewish people in the past, present, and future Adam Sutcliffe is professor of European […]

Free – £5.00

Rabbi Dweck’s Shiur

Rabbi Dweck’s Shiur: A Torah Approach to Personal Development Zoom details:, password: 220170

Destruction and Renewal: A visual history of the Jews and Jerusalem

Journey 1 – The Fall of the Land of Israel  - Rosh Chodesh Av Join us in ‘off the beaten track’ Israel, visiting Gamla, Beitar and beyond, to uncover Jewish life on the eve of the Temple’s destruction and the consequences of this period. See how the sites of destruction exist side by side with […]

Daily Shahrit

Join Rabbi Dweck for daily Shahrit services starting at 8am sharp. Special Kaddish to be recited by mourners, you can request special memorial prayers, refuah shelema, and most important is to join together for daily prayers and see everyone! Please feel free to join at any time of the service! Join Zoom Meeting