
Rabbi Danny Kada in conversation with Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman

Rabbi Danny Kada in conversation with Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman -Professor of Tankh at Barilan University A graduate of Princeton University and of Yeshivat Har Etzion, Rabbi Berman’s new book with Maggid Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth and the Thirteen Principles of Faith, is the first full-length work by an Orthodox thinker to address […]


Lunch and Learn with the Rabbis

Come and join our Rabbis each Monday between 1-2pm for Lunch & Learn, where topical, contemporary and thought provoking subjects will be discussed! 11th Feb - Week 1: Rabbi Joseph Dweck 22nd Feb - Week 2: Rabbi Israel Elia 1st March - Week 3: Rabbi Kada 8th March - Week 4: Rabbi Morris

The Big Purim Drop – Mishloah Manot

Lock down Love! Celebrate the Mitzvah of Mishloah Manot and be a part of Purim with your S&P community! IT’S AS EASY AS 1,2,3 1. Sign up and we assign you a family 2. Make your fun themed Mishloah Manot 3. Deliver to your assigned family on Purim to fulfil the Mitzvah :-)  


zoom Link to follow

Tuesday 23rd March at 8:00pm Pesah - The last in a 3-Part Series with Dayan Kada When erev Pesah falls on Shabbat: Halachot unique to Pesah this year. Zoom details: Meeting ID: 81012042311 Password: 0808