
Simhat Torah Dancing


Join us for singing and dancing in the synagogue with fun for kids as well. Come and join the fun as we celebrate the completion of reading the Torah.

Difficult Dayanut Dilemmas


Join Rabbi Kada on a monthly basis as he shares some fascinating and modern Halachic problems he has encountered over the past few years in his Dayanut training and in his experience on the Beth Din. Session 1: Polygamy and Promiscuity: Can a man marry multiple wives?


Mitzvah Day Celebrations

As an initiative for Mitzvah Day 2019, the Sephardi Wembley children will be singing to the residents of Jewish Choice. Shabbat 16th November (following the service) All children are welcome to join in

Difficult Dayanut Dilemmas

Join Rabbi Kada on a monthly basis as he shares some fascinating and modern Halachic problems he has encountered over the past few years in his Dayanut training and in his experience on the Beth Din. Session 2: Mamzer Mitigations: Is there a Halachic way around the Mamzer problem?  

Hanukkah Party


Wembley Sephardi Synagogue cordially invites young families to join us for our annual Hanukkah Party. Join Rabbi Danny and Tamar Kada as they open their home for their annual Hanukkah party with delicious food and fun activities for all ages. Special drum and percussion workshop by Joodoo drums


Difficult Dayanut Dilemmas


Join Rabbi Kada on a monthly basis as he shares some fascinating and modern Halachic problems he has encountered over the past few years in his Dayanut training and in his experience on the Beth Din. Session 3: Cohen Conundrums: Can a Cohen’s wife who has been violated stay married to her husband?  

Difficult Dayanut Dilemmas


Join Rabbi Kada on a monthly basis as he shares some fascinating and modern Halachic problems he has encountered over the past few years in his Dayanut training and in his experience on the Beth Din. Session 3: Cohen Conundrums: Can a Cohen’s wife who has been violated stay married to her husband?

Hebrew Grammar Lessons: You’re already 40-Love UP!


This events have now been cancelled Your knowledge of Hebrew Prayer is your untapped asset - even if you just know a few basic blessings. If you know more, so much the better. You can use the knowledge you have to unravel the structure of the Hebrew language and see how it all makes sense. […]
