Weekday Afternoon & Evening services

The Afternoon service begins with the Hazan reciting Psalm 84, the Tamid and the Ketoret, starting on page 63. The congregation do not sing any responses until Ashre at the foot of page 65 (the following recording is sung by the choir and the late Rev. Abinun at a special service in Bevis Marks in 1956):
NB. Tehillat is only sung fully (as on this recording) on very special occasions, such as at weddings. The vast majority of weekdays, those verses are simply read straight through by the Hazan.

After Ashre, the Hazan says the Kaddish Le’ela, and then the ‘Amidah follows. Unlike Shahrit, the ‘Amidah of Minha is not repeated in its entirety by the Hazan. Instead, he begins saying the prayer aloud on page 30, and the congregation read along silently with him.

When the Hazan reaches the Kedushah, on page 31, the congregation sing the responses as follows, in the same manner as at Shahrit:
Kedushah – Weekdays
After the end of the third blessing of the ‘Amidah, the Hazan begins to read silently. He starts reading aloud again at the end of the sixteenth blessing (p. 34), to allow the congregation to respond to the Modim, and the remainder of the ‘Amidah.
The Modim response is different to the one sung at Shahrit:
At the end of the ‘Amidah, on most days Tachanun is recited (p. 44), although this is not said on certain festive occasions.
In any case, Kaddish Titkabal then follows, and then the Hazan recites Psalm 67 (p. 66). After this the mourners recite Kaddish Yehe Shelama, and then ‘Alenu concludes the Afternoon service.
The Evening service begins with the congregation singing Shir Hama’alot (Psalm 134 and following verses) on page 67:
On Rosh Hodesh, instead of Shir Hama’alot, the congregation sings Barechi Nafshi (Psalm 104), on page 147.
The Hazan repeats the final words of the foregoing, and then recites the Kaddish Le’ela, Vehu Rachum and Barechu, to which the congregation responds as follows:
There are then no further responses until the Kaddish Le’ela before the ‘Amidah.
After the ‘Amidah, the Hazan recites Yehi Shem (p. 75) and the Kaddish Titkabal.
Between Passover and Shavu’ot, the ‘Omer is counted (p. 219), first by the Hazan, and then repeated by the congregation. It is only counted in synagogue if the service takes place after dark:
The Hazan then recites Psalm 121.
On special occasions – such as the communal Hanukah service – Psalm 121 may be sung by the congregation, to the well-known setting by Charles Verrinder, organist of the West London Synagogue in the late-nineteenth century:
If the ‘Omer has been counted as part of the service, Psalm 67 is recited instead of Psalm 121. On special occasions (such as Yom Ha’atzmaut, if night has fallen by this point in the service), the congregation may sing this Psalm to the following melody:
After Psalm 121 (or Psalm 67), the mourners say Kaddish Yehe Shelama and Barechu, to which the congregation responds as follows:
Then ‘Alenu is recited, concluding the Evening service.