Kal Nidre 5785 Appeal
This coming year will be one of renewal for our Kahal. We are focusing on creating a platform from which we can improve and grow.
Our aim is to reinvigorate the Kahal and communal life.
Help create the next chapter in the story of our unique community so that we can unite, succeed and prosper together.
Your donation will go towards supporting our historic and vital congregation and strengthen our future.
Thank you for your generous support.
Wishing you and your family Shana Toba.
Ways to donate:
by Bank Transfer –
Bankers: Natwest
Acct Name: Spanish & Portuguese Jews Synagogue
Sort code: 60-00-01
Account number: 00864102
Reference: your S&P membership ID number followed by the letters ‘KN’
If you can’t find your membership number, just put the letters KN as the reference.
by Phone –
Call our donations hotline on 020 7481 7826 (Mon-Fri, office hours only)
by Post –
Please send cheques or charity vouchers made payable to S&P Sephardi Community to:
The S&P Sephardi Community, 2 Ashworth Road, London, W9 1JY
Online –