Download a printer friendly version here. Please click HERE to listen to this week’s audio recording read by Rabbi Joseph Dweck Haftara for Behar-Behukotai 5777: Zombie Universe ‘My soul can find
May 2017
Jun 2016
The term parnas is usually translated as the president or prince of the community. Indeed, the head of the mahamad in London is even called the parnas presidente. However, the
May 2016
Download a printer friendly version here. Behar 5776: Words and Weapons “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.” — Benjamin Franklin Perashat Behar is well known for its presentation of the
May 2014
Behar 5774: At Your Service “For the Children of Israel are servants unto Me; they are My servants…I am the Lord Your G-d.” (25:55) Years ago, when I first studied this