The Sabbath morning service begins with Elohai Neshamah on page 2, but the congregation begins responding to the Psalms of the Zemirot from page 14 (following the responses to the Kaddish Derabbanan on that page), at the end of each Psalm or scriptural passage. Here is an example of the style of the responses, from the middle of page 17:
Barechu Adonai bechol ma’asav
On page 17, the congregation rises and repeats Adonai Melech twice, following the Hazan each time:
Then the Zemirot reponses continue as before. The response at the end of Psalm 136 (page 97) is a more ornate version than usual. Here is a recording of the entire Psalm – but note that, although on this recording (made by the congregational choir and the late Rev. Eliezer Abinun in 1960) the choir sings the entire Psalm, in the synagogue the Psalm is read by the Hazan alone, with the congregation only coming in for the final verse “Hodu le’el hashamayim”:
Then the Zemirot responses continue as before. The next variation comes in the response Vayireu Ha’am, in the middle of page 23, which is a more ornate version of the response than usual:
On Shabbat Beshalach and the 7th day of Passover only, immediately upon the conclusion of the Shirah, the congregation sings the passage “Ki ba sus Par’oh”, at the foot of page 24, sung here by Rev. Abinun:
On regular Shabbatot, at the conclusion of the Shirah, the Hazan repeats the final verse and then continues with the short paragraph in the middle of page 25. After that, the congregation immediately begins to sing Nishmat on page 99, to the following traditional melody:
On Shabbat Zachor (the Shabbat before Purim) only the congregation sing the following piyut after the first paragraph of page 100. The text can be found beginning on page 165:
After Bemakhelot, the Hazan repeats the last few words, and then begins the Kaddish Le’ela, to which the congregation responds as usual. Then follows Barechu. There are two possible musical versions of the response Baruch Adonai Hameborach.
This response follows the standard Hazan’s chant for the Kaddish Le’ela, sung on regular Shabbatot:
The alternative version is sung when the Hazan introduces any special melody for the Kaddish Le’ela, usually on special Shabbatot such as Shabbat Mebarachin, Rosh Hodesh, Chol Hamo’ed, and so forth:
The Hazan then says the first words of the blessing at the top of page 101, and the congregation immediately begins singing the Yotser, beginning with the words “Hakol yoducha” and continuing right down to the foot of the page:
On special Shabbatot, an alternative melody may be sung for the Shahrit Kedushah. In that case, the response “Kadosh, Kadosh Kadosh” is sung to a variant melody:
Sung by Rev. Abinun and the choir in 1956 at a special service in Bevis Marks Synagogue. This particular special melody is based on the Lecha Dodi for Shabbat Bereshit, but there are other special melodies.
Standard responses then continue throughout the ‘Amidah. The Modim Derabbanan response is sung as follows:
On Rosh Hodesh, Chol Hamo’ed and Hanukah, Hallel is sung. The relevant melodies can be found on the Festivals page. The Hallel melody for Shabbat-Rosh Hodesh is unique, and can be found here: