Passover Shaharit

The Zemirot for Passover are the same as Shabbat except that we add the Psalm for Passover: Ps. 107

On the Seventh day of Passover we add the following passage after the Song of Moses:
The remainder of the service is the same as that for Succot.

Torah Readings
First Day
Second Day
The Torah reading for the second day of Passover is the same as that for the second day of Succot, and the recording can be found there.
Intermediate Sabbath
The Torah reading for the intermediate Sabbath is the same as that for the intermediate Sabbath of Succot.
Seventh Day
p162_7_Perasha_5.mp3 (includes the Song of Moses)
Eighth Day
The Torah reading for the eighth day of Passover is the same as that of Shemini Atseret, and the recording can be found there.

Haftara Readings
First Day
Second Day
Intermediate Sabbath
Seventh Day
Eighth Day

Tikkun Hatal (Prayer for Dew)
The music for the Prayer for Dew, said on the first day, is largely the same as that of the Prayer for Rain said on Shemini Atzeret. Only the differences are recorded below.